2006/2007 第一屆 全球「人文紀元」年度攝影賽簡章——
 The Global 2006/2007 New Era of Culture and Humanity Photography Contest




凡能表現全球各地人們豐富人文以及良善人性與美好道德主題,且具有故事張力,或震撼人心,或感動人心的照片。( 不限地點與拍攝主體,但照片中需包括「人」,作品拍攝時間不限。)
例如表現人性善良、慈愛、關懷、正義、和平、毅力、勇氣、助人、神聖、友愛... 等主題。

即日起至2007年2月28日(三)午夜12 點(美東時間)止,以投稿電子郵件寄達時間為準。

1. 投稿格式一律以數位照片格式採電子郵件投稿(傳統底片請自行掃瞄轉存),並調整為jpg或jpeg格式,投稿圖檔請設定在橫幅為1280*960 pixels、直幅為960*1280 pixels、或依照片比例寬邊1280 pixels為準之其他尺寸,壓縮比不限,但單張照片檔案大小請勿超過1.5M bytes,並自行保留原始底片或數位照片檔案以供得獎時驗證用。

(中國大陸地區投稿請改寄:picture2007@gmail.com )






1. 初選:投稿期間內來稿,將於收到後隔天起7日內由主辦單位視照片是否符合投稿規定與活動主題,以及照片品質與攝影水準是否達基本可接受標準來進行初選,初選通過照片將直接刊登在本比賽活動網頁(http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/nf3721.htm)供民眾公開自由閱覽,未獲初選通過照片將不另行通知,請投稿人自行注意所投稿照片是否刊出為準。

2.複選 :2007/3/10~3/31,由主辦單位所邀請國際專業攝影人士組成之評審團就初選作品予以評選出本次比賽得獎照片,得獎者將公開公告並以原投稿之電子郵件予以各別通知,並於得獎者提供原始底片或原始數位照片檔案驗正與存檔後,安排領獎事宜。

評審複選標準:依參賽攝影作品之『符合主題性』( 佔30%) 、『取景、構圖』( 佔40%) 、『創意』( 佔30%) 為準。


2006/2007第一屆 全球「人文紀元」年度攝影賽獎項:



The Global 2006/2007 New Era of Culture and Humanity Photography Contest

To seek out the innate kindness in human beings, to acknowledge virtues expressed by cultures all over the world, to spread powerful images of human flourishing to people all over the world through photography—for these purposes The Epoch Times is now holding the Global 2006/2007 New Era of Culture and Humanity Photography Contest.

Qualifications and Requirements:

· Who: Amateur or professional photographers who are interested in culture and humanity.
· How: Traditional negatives and digital image files are both accepted.
· When: No restrictions as to when a photo was taken.
· What: Photo composition must include human beings.

Subject of Contest

Photo submissions should depict the richness culture can achieve through an expression of the kindness, healthy sentiments, and virtues of human nature.

For example, a photo may capture an instance of love, caring, justice, peace, endurance, courage, helpfulness, sacredness, or friendship.

Submission Deadline

Photos must be received no later than February 28, 2007 (Wednesday) 12 Midnight (U.S. Eastern Time).

Submission Process

1. Submit digital photos via email (participants please scan your negative and submit the digital copy). Photo should be sent in jpg or jpeg format. File size should be 1280x960 pixels in landscape or 960x 280 in portrait; other sizes are accepted so long as the witdth is not greater than 1280 pixels and the height is proportionate. Files should not exceed 1.5M bytes in file size. The participants should retain the original negatives or the digital files for confirmation of any award.

2. Submit to Email Address: photo2006@epochtimes.com (Those who submit from China can use another account : picture2007@gmail.com )

3. Use the following format for submission, incomplete or inaccurate data will not be processed.

Subject: Global 2006-2007 New Era of Culture and Humanity Photography Contest – XXX (participant's full name)
Please provide complete information required as below in the mail content
Name: (real full name)
Pen-name: (for use in publication, limit to 10 words. If left blank, real name will be used)
Nationality: (country of citizenship)
Photo details (please limit each submission to five [5] images, and provide the following details for each image submitted):
Photo Caption: (Limited to 20 words)
Photo description: (Limited to 200 words)
Date of the Photo: (No limit)

Appraisal Procedure:

1. Primary Appraisal: Within seven days of receipt, the sponsor will review all submittals regarding their quality and whether they conform to the contest requirements and topic. Photos passing the primary appraisal will be directly published on the contest website(http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/nf3721.htm) which will be open to the public for an online free review for three days. Contestants will not be notified separately. Please look on the website to determine if your photos have passed the primary appraisal.

2. Final Selection: The sponsor will invite internationally renowned photographers to participate in the review board. The review board will select the winning photos from Mar. 10 to Mar. 31, 2007. Winning photos will be openly published and winners notified by email according to the submittal email address. After each winner has supplied the original negatives or the original digital photos, arrangements will be made for the receipt of awards.

3. Announcement and Publication: The winners will be formally announced during the period Apr. 2 to Apr. 30, 2007 on the contest webpage (http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/nf3721.htm in Chinese; an English-language contest Web page will also be published). The winners' photos will be published worldwide on the contest webpage, and chosen to publish on The Epoch Times newspaper worldwide as well.

The first Global New Era of Culture and Humanity Photography Contest awards:

Epoch Gold award: One winner, $1,000 USD, and one medal.
Epoch Silver award: One winner, $500 USD, and one medal.
Epoch Bronze award: One winner, $300 USD, and one medal.
Epoch Masterpiece award: Ten winners, $100 USD each, and one certificate of award each.
Epoch Excellence award: Twenty winners, one certificate of award each.

Supplementary Provisions:

1.Submit work in accordance with requirements, submittals that fail to conform to requirements will not be processed.

2.Photo that has won a prize in a national or international competition or that has been used for commercial purposes [i.e. received payment and published] is not eligible for entry.

3.Photo enhancement must be limited to general cleaning work, sharpening, color, contrast, brightness, saturation, levels and curves adjustments. Cropping is also permitted. Cloning must be limited to general cleaning work – no elements of an image should be removed or added.

4.Plagiarism is strictly forbidden. Violators will bear the legal responsibility for violating copyrights. The sponsor, The Epoch Times, bears no responsibility for the violation of copyrights by contestants. In the event of plagiarism, the sponsor will, in addition to canceling the winner's award, pursue the recovery of any payment and any certificate that has been awarded.

5.After the submittal passes the primary appraisal, the photographer will agree to allow the sponsor to publish the work on the sponsor's web page for the public to review (including but not limited to the activity period). The work will not be removed whether the submission is chosen to receive a prize or not, except in the case of plagiarism.

6.The sponsor will not make any claim on the copyright of these images. The photographer will retain copyright. The sponsor reserves the world-wide royalty free right and license for the full period of copyright to reproduce the prize-winning images on, or in relation to the contest’s merchandise.

7.Winners are to submit the original negatives or the original digital photo files (must include the complete EXIF data) within two weeks after notification of the award, or the award qualification will be revoked; once an award is revoked, no payment or award of certificate will be made (cropping and adjusting of brightness is allowed).

8.If no works submitted meet the required standard for any award item, that award item will not be dispersed.

9.Works submitted will not to be returned to the contestant (including works that do not meet the requirements). The sponsor will not be held responsible for record keeping.

10.Participants are required to accept all requirements given in this procedure. For any concerns not addressed, the sponsor may publish clarifications on the contest Web page.

Latest Update : 2006/12/22

11/22/2006 11:55:12 PM

本文網址: http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/6/11/20/n1527973.htm

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